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Tobacco Use and Intimate Relationships: Smokers and Non-Smokers Tell Their Stories

Author: Ian Newman

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

ISBN 10: 3030064654
ISBN 13: 978-3030064655

ISBN 10: 3319925784
ISBN 13: 978-3319925783

 This book presents a wide variety of insights into the effects of smoking on both smokers and non-smokers. Based on extensive questionnaire surveys from across the USA, this research explores the complex dynamics of intimate relationships and how they are affected by smoking, especially with regard to honest communication. The volume delves into the battles which take place behind closed doors as both smokers and non-smokers invoke personal rights and argue their positions. Finally, the authors explore how health policy and public policy can better serve both smokers and non-smokers, and what the future may hold for the regulation of tobacco use.