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Exorcising Your Ex: How to Get Rid of the Demons of Relationships Past

Author: Elizabeth Kuster

Publisher: Touchstone

ISBN 10: 068480302X
ISBN 13: 978-0684803029

Are you hurting from a recent breakup? Still pining for a guy you dated ten years ago? Here are surefire ways to demolish those demons of loves past—and still maintain your dignity and sense of humor.

This hilarious and eminently helpful collection of real-life tricks and techniques is like no other book of its kind. With cutting-edge wit, Elizabeth Kuster presents tried-and-true solutions from dozens of women who have survived the trauma of breaking up—clever (or desperate) methods for getting over guys who, for some silly reason, think they can live without you. In this book, you'll find:
An exclusive equation to help you recalculate your post-breakup recovery time.
How not to make your current boyfriend pay for what your ex did to you.
What to do with the ratty bathrobe your ex left hanging in your closet.
On-target lists of movies, books, and songs appropriate for each phase.
Quick fixes, harmless revenge tactics, and much, much more!

These sassy tales from the trenches will help you get over nagging negative memories quickly, effectively, painlessly. And failing that, they'll give you a few cheap laughs.