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Lewy Body Dementia Survival &Me: Book written by a patient with Lewy Body Dementia diagnosed at 53 years old

Author: Mr Kevin Quaid

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1720495750
ISBN 13: 978-1720495758

Kevin Quaid author of this book was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia when he was 53 years old having been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease two years earlier, however he started to show symptoms of Parkinson's three years before that. This story takes a look at his life, the highs and lows and sometimes his struggle with life itself. This book then leads into day to day living with this horrible disease Lewy Body Dementia, not only from Kevin's point of view as a patient but also how it affects his family and how his wife copes with being put in the role of a carer. There are some wonderful practical and helpful tips on how to make life a little easier for everyone, and some hints on how to have some difficult discussions with the sufferer before their mind begins to slip. This book is real and raw and its' aim is to help those who find themselves in the same terrible position as Kevin and his family.