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The Blue Velvet Drape: Dealing with Dementia: Her Daughter's Journal

Author: Anne F. Balcom

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1520535767
ISBN 13: 978-1520535760

After Mom's diagnosis I was losing sleep from feeling worried, scared and frustrated. I began my blog shortly after her diagnosis to help clear my head. When Mom began forgetting I began to mourn losing her, I actually started to distance myself from her. It was difficult for me to watch her slip away mentally over the next several years. Mom passed away August 8, 2012 and now blogging has helped come to terms with her physical death. My blog is now this book. Find out the meaning of "The Blue Velvet Drape" which had such an emotional impact on me. This is my journal of experiences with dementia care giving. The pictures in the Kindle version are slightly different than the paperback version.