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Self-Help to Overcome Borderline Personality Disorder: Strategies & Skills to Stop Borderline Personality Disorder, Control Extreme Emotional Instability, Manage Self-Destructive Behavior & Suicide

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Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1729398898
ISBN 13: 978-1729398890

We tend to perceive every problems of health and mental disorder to be cured by pills but the truth is, pills can’t cure everything and pills can’t just go for everything. Most of the mental illnesses are not amenable to pills, wide evidence shows that pills can result to addiction for more than 38% of people suffering from mental illness, for example recent statistics have shown that 33% of people that take antidepressants incur a higher risk of dying than patients who don’t take any of it; that is alarming.Depending on pills can be self-damaging; drugging yourself means you’re operating under the influence of something, drug is like smoking and alcohol, too much of it isn't really good and it comes with side effects such as; nausea, sore eyes, excessive happiness, relapse and hypomaniac syndrome. If pills can work wonders then there shouldn't be people suffering from depression and self-injury, but the big question here is, what next? The answer is self-help, it is more effective that 30,000 bags of pills, According to Amy Leigh Mercree “when you self-regulate very well, you’re able to control the trajectories of your emotional lives and resulting actions based on your values and sense of purpose.” You’re able to channel your mind submissively without subjecting it to being controlled by some kind of wonder pills. This book is your guide to self-help on managing your borderline personality disorder challengesWhat this book doesn’t teach;
  • How to take pills
  • How to control suicide by padding some drugs
  • Medications guide for bpd
Rather what you’ll learn includes
  • How to integrate your mind, body and soul to regulate emotions
  • How to avoid suicide through self-care
  • How to manage depression through mindfulness
  • Rituals to manage BPD and many more
What are you waiting for? Grab your copy now