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The Octobers

Author: Avah Rivers

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1697670598
ISBN 13: 978-1697670592

Behind the eyes lives another world. One where many reside and hold on to a fragile thread of reality that sometimes forces them to come forth and live in the world as though they really exist.
Even the one whose body they inhabit most often does not believe. She has been told so many times "it's all in your head," that the truth remains hidden.
Secrets have a way of pushing at the shadows until they spill forward into the light. What secrets have created this world of multiples who battle through life together for moments of normalcy?
These are the writings of one who suffers. Taken straight from pages of her journals, papers full of scribbles, and moments of life, this is the journey of Avah Rivers as she strives every day to become One.