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When the Body Displaces the Mind: Stress, Trauma and Somatic Disease

Author: Jean Benjamin Stora

Publisher: Routledge

ISBN 10: 1855754185
ISBN 13: 978-1855754188

ISBN 10: 0367105632
ISBN 13: 978-0367105631

Can the mind really generate a physical disease? Conversely, can the body cause mental illness? What do we know today about their interaction? The relations between body and mind are the source of many problems that are currently treated separately by psychoanalysts and doctors because of the compartmentalisation between their disciplines. Despite differences in clinical practice, we all stand to benefit from a common understanding of the reciprocal influences of the mind and the body and the ways in which these are interrelated. It is time to stop treating the body in isolation from treatment of the mind and to understand that where the psychic apparatus fails in its key task of managing the excitations generated by the tensions and frustrations of everyday life, it is the body that takes over. With a wealth of clinical examples, the author proposes an innovative theoretical and clinical approach that seeks to break down the barriers between biology and psychoanalysis; he also demonstrates its benefits for the health and recovery of patients and its implications for disease prevention.