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Summary: Why We Sleep: Book by Matthew Walker - Powerful Secrets of Better Health (Speed-Summary)

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Author: Speed-Summary

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1688565302
ISBN 13: 978-1688565302

A Complete Summary of Why We Sleep

“Why We Sleep” is a book written by Matthew Walker. In this book, the author writes about what he learned about understanding sleep. Why sleep is important, what causes bad sleep and how the modern world affects our everyday night sleep- all this and much more can be found in this book. The truth is that great number of people do not sleep well and that there are many things that contribute to bad sleep. Some of the most common contributors to a bad night’s sleep are alcohol, caffeine, blue light from smartphones or computers, and others. When we become sleep deprived, we suffer. This means that our entire being suffers. Not just our bodies, but our minds also suffer. Our physical, emotional, and mental capabilities decline drastically. Therefore, Walker writes what we can do in order to eliminate such sleep disruptors in order to enjoy good quality sleep.

Here Is A Preview Of What You Will Get:

  • In Why We Sleep , you will get a full understanding of the book.
  • In Why We Sleep , you will get some fun multiple choice quizzes, along with answers to help you learn about the book.
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