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Make Your Life Magical: Creating Wealth From Within

Author: Tony Kent

Publisher: Outskirts Press

ISBN 10: 1478719575
ISBN 13: 978-1478719571

Awaken Your Inner Magician to Create Abundant Wealth

A comprehensive how-to guide covering spiritual principles with practical application in order to create a life that reflects one's dreams.

This book covers:
·       Enhancing your relationships with money
·       Transforming pain and loss into abundance and joy
·       Constructing your life purpose statement
·       Creating a balanced life
·       Tapping into the power of Divine love
·       Creating harmonious and loving relationships
·       Utilizing hope, gratitude, and right action
·       Experiencing forgiveness
·       Moving beyond constriction, fear, doubt, and negative thoughts/emotions
·       Utilizing Divine Love to create success
·       And much more!
Presented in a step-by-step approach, this book takes you through the actual steps of having an abundant life which includes creating a life purpose statement, balancing your life, and building harmonious relationships.  The most important part of this book is that it reveals ancient spiritual secrets and instructs you how to utilize your Divine connection to create a life of joy, empowerment, and abundance.