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Sixty Days to Sanity: A College Freshman's Struggle to Overcome Mental Illness

Author: Peter D. Barnes

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1450563481
ISBN 13: 978-1450563482

Description: In the fall of 1989, I was a wide-eyed teenager bound for college. Less than a month later, I was fighting my way out of a padded room. Sixty Days to Sanity is my best recollection of what happened, when at 18, my world was turned upside down by a severe manic episode and diagnosis of Bipolar I. The focus of this story is the human side of bipolar disorder and how these initial sixty days affected me and those close to me. It’s my hope that Sixty Days to Sanity can provide valuable insight to those coping with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and those friends, families and professionals who are attempting to understand it.