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Positive Psychology at Work: How Positive Leadership and Appreciative Inquiry Create Inspiring Organizations

Author: Sarah Lewis

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

ISBN 10: 0470683201
ISBN 13: 978-0470683200

Positive Psychology at Work brings the fields of positive psychology and appreciative inquiry together for the first time to provide leaders and change agents with a powerful new approach to achieving organizational excellence.
  • Draws together positive psychology and appreciative inquiry in the context of leadership organizational challenges for the first time
  • Presents academically rigorous and referenced material in a jargon-free, accessible manner
  • Arranged with chapters focused on specific organizational challenges to allow readers to quickly find ideas relevant to their unique situation
  • Features short contributions from experienced practitioners of positive psychology and Appreciative Inquiry, and includes case studies from the UK, Europe, Australia and the USAÂ