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Fitness Powered Brains: Optimize Your Productivity, Leadership And Performance (The Anchor of Our Purest Thoughts)

Author: Chong Chen

Publisher: Brain & Life Publishing

ISBN 10: 1999760174
ISBN 13: 978-1999760175

The world of business is changing.

Productivity and effective leadership are precious commodities.

The right strategies for achieving optimal performance are essential.

Now, with the help of this new book, Fitness Powered Brains, you can improve productivity, performance and leadership.


Inside, you will discover a new concept which will help to simplify the complex scientific ideas of the great benefits of exercise on our brains and how:

  • Exercise can improve work performance
  • You can reduce stress
  • To enjoy your work once again, while accomplishing more
  • Just 10 minutes of walking can make you happier
  • And more... 

Crammed full of practical advice, that can boost your mental powers and enhance your chances for success, Fitness Powered Brains looks at ground-breaking ideas and shows you how you can implement them in your life.


If you are ready to challenge your potential, then reading this book is the first step to take. Get your copy now and see how a fitter brain will make you more productive.