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Subliminal Communication Test II: SubcomII

Author: Charles Edwin Henderson PhD

Publisher: Alfadore Press

ISBN 10: 1947354027
ISBN 13: 978-1947354029

Whether you are trying to sell something or get a date, influence an audience or get a job, or just get along with other people, your subliminal messages are more important than almost anything else. And you are always sending (and receiving) subliminal messages, whether you like it or not. You cannot not communicate. You subconsciously say things about yourself and consciously you don’t know it.

Subliminal messages are always present and too complicated to consciously control. They fall into three major categories:

  • Perception – how well do you receive and interpret subliminals from others?
  • Persuasion – how persuasive are your subliminal messages?
  • Dissuasion – do you transmit dissuasive messages that block your personal and career success?

This is vitally important. It is hard for people to resist you when, one, you are subliminally perceptive. Two, your subliminals are persuasive. And three, you do not send out dissuasive messages. Your subliminal messages must be controlled and positive. Otherwise it is difficult to make progress in your life, be successful and have things go your way.

How do you know what your subliminal communication is doing? You can only guess based on where you are in your life. If you are not as successful as you should be, if you have unexplained failures, if people reject or ignore you for no apparent reason, then you need to know more about your subliminal communication.

That is why the Subliminal Communication Test II was developed – so you can test yourself to see how well your subliminal communication is working for you. Or against you.

It is easy to take. You can administer and score the test yourself in the privacy of your own home. Self-scoring requires only simple arithmetic.

Complete instructions are included, along with the test scores of others. So you can compare your scores with those of previous test takers.