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Black Butterfly; White Rose: Transformed

Author: Cathy Franklin

Publisher: TDR Brands Publishing

ISBN 10: 1947574337
ISBN 13: 978-1947574335

Black Butterfly; White Rose is the story of a little mixed girl who grew up in a home with an alcoholic, physically, verbally and sexually abusive father, and a depressed, angry, passive mother. Her misguided childhood was filled with betrayal and distrust, which led her to seek love in someone much older who impregnated her when she was thirteen. After fighting off a rape perpetrator, being molested, giving birth to her first child at fourteen, co-habituating with her abusive partner, and attempting suicide, she encountered the presence of God - she began to understand how to feel the peace of the Holy Spirit. Through multiple marriages, failed relationships, and unresolved internal battles, she redirected her focus and found her identity in her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who met her in her darkest hour where her cocoon was formed. Her self-perspectives were positively altered; she developed grit through faith and learned how to face obstacles head-on without denying painful parts of her life from teenage motherhood, rejection, fear, and self doubt - she is now transformed into a beautiful, uniquely made, vibrant butterfly - filled with life!