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composition notebook silent women: notebook college ruled 8.5 x 11, Wave Smart Notebook

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Author: Tree journal

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1704429684
ISBN 13: 978-1704429687

"composition notebook silent women "Our notebooks feature wraparound artwork with an anti-scuff laminate cover. Inside, there is room for writing notes, stories, and ideas. It can be used as a notebook, journal, diary, or composition book. This paperback notebook is 8.5" x 11" (letter size) and has 120 wide ruled pages (60 sheets). High quality paper means minimal show-through even when you use heavy ink! Available separately in lined, bullet dot grid, and unlined versions.Perfect gift idea for kids, girls, boys, teens, tweens, and adults who love writingBlank Notebooks Are Perfect For: Stocking Stuffers & Gift BasketsGraduation & End of School Year GiftsTeacher GiftsArt ClassesSchool ProjectsDiariesGifts For WritersSummer Travel& much much more…