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Drug Addiction Drug Rehab and Recovery

Author: rodney cannon

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1791339956
ISBN 13: 978-1791339951

In my book, we will look at every aspect of the opioid epidemic from determining if you or a friend or family member has a drug problem. The biochemistry of addiction to the psychological problems that can lead to addiction.

An overview of the most popular and dangerous drugs that cost the lives of tens of thousands of people in America each year.

The emotional impact upon friends and family as well as the terrible financial cost.

Also, we will explore how to recognize an addict.

No book on this subject would be worth much if the subjects of rehab and recovery were not covered. I walk you through the treatment possibilities, the drugs, and techniques used during treatment and life after rehab. Detox and rehab are just the beginning of a process that will last a lifetime and anyone who tells you otherwise has never confronted the demon known as addiction or is lying to you.

Dealing with chemical dependency is not going to be easy and for those of you who try do not feel bad if you stumble many times along the way and have to try multiple paths before finding one that works for you. The road to recovery is usually one of trial and error, but people do make it. People do come out the other side.