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Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know®

Author: Jonathan P. Caulkins

Publisher: Oxford University Press

ISBN 10: 0199913714
ISBN 13: 978-0199913718

Should we legalize marijuana? If we legalize, what in particular should be legal? Just possessing marijuana and growing your own? Selling and advertising? If selling becomes legal, who gets to sell? Corporations? Co-ops? The government? What regulations should apply? How high should taxes be? Different forms of legalization could bring very different results.

This second edition of Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know� discusses what is happening with marijuana policy, describing both the risks and the benefits of using marijuana, without taking sides in the legalization debate. The book details the potential gains and losses from legalization, explores the "middle ground" options between prohibition and commercialized production, and considers the likely impacts of legal marijuana on occasional users, daily users, patients, parents, and employers - and even on drug traffickers.