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One of Many Pearls

Author: Wanda Ingram McIlwain

Publisher: Wanda I. McIlwain

ISBN 10: 1947385003
ISBN 13: 978-1947385009

One of Many Pearls is presented for all Christians and especially those who are disillusioned with life and have asked, "Why Me?" To those men and women who have endured horrific upbringings, unspeakable abuse, and have lived to see another day; To those who have managed to survive, in spite of; Those who still have hope to believe and strive to live in the beauty that is truly theirs (as God originally intended). It details the 10-year recovery process taken by Wanda Ingram and offers tools and techniques that bring about positive change to dysfunctional behavior. One of Many Pearls provides knowledge and ways to help create a healthier, more peaceful existence. The author tells of the good, the bad, and the ugly things she has been healed and delivered from. The Tools, Keys, and Ways to Wholeness in these pages offer methods and truth you must both Know and Do to get healed of wounds and released from destructive behavior. God Will Bless You!