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Recovering From Trauma: A Simple Short Formula For Restoring Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Health

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Current price $3.70
Author: Spirit aka Larry

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1981007644
ISBN 13: 978-1981007646

Written for those seeking to become whole, balanced, and healthy, this book attempts to cut through the dense fog of confusion that can make anyone feel hopeless. The work is laid out in short essays, and allows the individual to find their own path and pace while keeping the objective in sight. Minimal “instruction” is given because the “Owner’s Manual” is within you.” One day, while meditating by the water during a particularly challenging time in his life, the author heard a quiet voice say, “I am Spirit who is recovering from addiction, alcoholism and the effects of coming up in an alcoholic home.” He knew instantly that he was more than the labels and circumstances of his life, and chose to use that pseudonym for this book to signify that we are all spirits and to maintain some anonymity. Spirit has been in internal recovery since 1987 (ACoA/ACA) and “external” recovery since 1992 (AA & NA).”