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The Effortless Way to Stop Smoking (1)

Author: Thanos Apos

Publisher: BookBaby

ISBN 10: 1483593266
ISBN 13: 978-1483593265

"What could a book be in aid of? All I need is Willpower." However, strangely enough, of all those who muster even the strongest willpower, very few make it, usually paying a big psychological price. All this because they don't know the STAGGERING SECRET of smoking, which is also the secret to easily quitting it...The book is the result of Thanos Apos' five-year research (he was a chain smoker for years). It aspires to help you quit smoking EASILY and FOREVER, changing your life in an unforgettable way! Visit author's web page ( for AUTHOR'S TOP SCOOPS about his life and his work.