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The Good Book-Big Book Guidebook

by Dick B.
Author: Dick B.

Publisher: Good Book Publishing Company

ISBN 10: 1885803915
ISBN 13: 978-1885803917

For many years, members of church recovery groups, Christian groups, A.A. groups, and study groups have asked for specific guidance as to how to form and lead groups that study the Big Book, the Twelve Steps, the Bible, and A.A. history. In fact, many have now formed groups called The James Club--groups which study the Book of James, the sermon on the mount, and 1 Corinthians 13 just as the early AAs did in their Akron Christian fellowship. This book fits the bill. It tells the reader exactly how, with Big Book, Bible, and A.A. History in hand, to gain a thorough understanding of how and why the early A.A. program was so successful as it focused on surrendering to God, establishing a relationship with Him, studying His Word, and ultimately approving Bill Wilson's actions in writing A.A.'s basic text, the Big Book. If you are pondering, planning, or organizing a Big Book/Bible study group within a Twelve Step fellowship, or within your religious community, or within some kind of treatment or recovery program, this is the book for you. It can and should be combined with a Bible of your choice, a Big Book edition of your choice, and several of Dick B.'s books explaining the relationship of the A.A. recovery program and the Big Book and Twelve Steps to the Bible and early A.A. history. The books that will help are these: (1) The James Club and the Original A.A. Program's Absolute Essentials. (2) When Early AAs Were Cured and Why. (3) The Good Book and The Big Book: A.A.'s Roots in the Bible. (4) Real Twelve Step Fellowship History. (5) Twelve Steps for You. All are being used by one or more study groups now being held across the United States and Canada. They have stood the test of use and affirmation. Together, they offer guidance and hope for those seeking recovery through the power of God.