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Freedom 1-3: An Army Ranger's Journey to True Freedom

Author: Andrew Sheehan

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1082479462
ISBN 13: 978-1082479465

Are we only free in the physical sense? What about the other form of freedom? Internal Freedom! The state of being that is inside you. Your mind, spirit and emotions. What happens when we don’t have this form of freedom? Do we become captives? Are we enslaved by a master whom we will always obey? If so the question turns in the direction of who or what this master is. Where does this master have us held captive at? The answer for me comes in the form of my story. My story is played out in the mountains of Afghanistan, the dry landscape of Iraq, the swamps of Florida, smokey bars, and mental health wards. In my story I was driven to the edge of sanity. In my story I walked through the valley of darkness and emerged into the light of eternal happiness. Allow me to share my story of struggle, pain, redemption, and mercy with you! So, you can see if you are being enslaved by a master. Andrew is an 11 year combat veteran of the Army. He deployed on eight separate deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan with the 75th Ranger Regiment. Andrew became enslaved by a master that controlled him on a daily basis. Through the manifestation of Alcoholism, lying, and lust Andrew’s master sought out to destroy him and those in his life. However, through the help, grace, and mercy of God. Andrew walked into the light from the darkness.