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Letting Go: A Christian's Guide to Finding Peace in an Alcoholic Relationship

Author: Abigail Strong

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1505302447
ISBN 13: 978-1505302448

Abigail Strong knows what it is like to be in love with an alcoholic. She was married to one for 27 years. As a Christian, she wanted the marriage to last and valiantly fought to save it. This inspirational book is the result of her journey to find Biblical principals to help her understand her husband’s disease and to regain the peace she once knew. Letting Go: A Christian’s Guide to Finding Peace in an Alcoholic Relationship is a gritty look into the secret lives of alcoholic relationships. It unlocks the mysteries of understanding why alcoholics think and act the way they do, outlines ways you can help the alcoholic, and what it really means to recover from alcoholism. It is her prayer that you discover the necessary tools to honestly help your alcoholic with a heart filled with love, find peace for your own heart, and move forward in your life by following the principals of God.