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Mind on Fire: A Case of Successful Addiction Recovery

Author: Philip Muls

Publisher: Philip Muls

ISBN 10: 9082820714
ISBN 13: 978-9082820713

The physical symptoms of withdrawal from a drug or alcohol addiction might last a month or two at most—but the psychological withdrawal can last years. Enter Philip Muls’ Mind on Fire: A Case of Successful Addiction Recovery, a gripping, authentic account of an addict’s first eighteen months of sobriety. Addicts in recovery have to navigate a minefield of existential doubts and imperfect thinking. It is even worse for people who identify completely with their ego-mind. They have an addiction to drinking, to be sure, but they also have an addiction to thinking. When they learn to set this Mind on Fire, they can find a second perspective by watching the thinker in themselves. Readers of Mind on Fire will see themselves as if in a mirror, and get confirmation that they are not alone with their angst and fears when they stop drinking. They will find out that when we love ourselves, there is no longer a need to drink.