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The Sobering Truth

Author: Jeff Herten M.D.

Publisher: Sobering Truth Press

ISBN 10: 0615378463
ISBN 13: 978-0615378466

For over 30 years, author Dr. Jeff Herten was a high-functioning alcoholic -- one who drinks every day, yet continues to lead a productive, successful life. Now he shares his first-hand knowledge of the conspiracy of misinformation about the healthful nature of alcohol.

In the introduction to The Sobering Truth Herten describes alcohol as the most addictive and destructive drug on the planet. Those are bold claims considering competing drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and meth. But, a recent study published on November 1, 2010 in the respected medical journal Lancet, supports his claims. Alcohol affects us not only emotionally but physically. Alcohol consumption is contributory to nine different cancers, heart disease, acid reflux, osteoporosis, immune system suppression, hypertension, stroke, depression, allergies, peripheral neuropathy, insomnia, hepatitis, pancreatitis and diabetes; and causes fetal alcohol syndrome. The Sobering Truth explores the numerous facets of alcohol consumption in the United States, including the physical risks, the behaviors associated with alcohol, and the innocent victims of alcohol abuse. But it also offers hope for those wishing to become sober and recommends resources to help them turn their lives around.

Frank and honest, and including many case studies, The Sobering Truth is a must-read for every spouse, parent, child, employer, physician, and counselor whose life is touched by alcohol. It may be just the wake-up call you need.