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Utilizing Early A.A.'s Spiritual Roots for Recovery Today (Why It Worked: A.A. History Series, Vol. 1)

by Dick B.
Author: Dick B.

Publisher: Good Book Publishing Company

ISBN 10: 1885803281
ISBN 13: 978-1885803283

Each year for a decade, A.A. writer and historian Dick B. has delivered seminars on all aspects of early A.A.'s spiritual roots - the Bible, Anne Smith's Journal, the teachings of Rev. Sam Shoemaker, the Oxford Group's life changing program, Quiet Time, and books they read for spiritual growth. This particular title addresses how those spiritual roots can be used for recovery today. It is short, pithy, informative. It has been much in demand as recovery people have been clamoring for 12-Step history, studying it, and then seeking to apply it in their individual recovery, in their sponsoring of others, and in their understanding of where the historical roots fit into the entire objective of curing the alcoholic who still suffers.