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Raising Children of Alcoholics & Drug Users

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Author: Joan Callander Dingle

Publisher: WordGatherers Publishing LLC

ISBN 10: 0945272596
ISBN 13: 978-0945272595

A practical parenting guide for grandparents raising grandkids (as well as aunts, uncles, greats, and 'ex's') when one, or both, birthparents struggle with alcohol and/or drug abuse .  A frank discussion of legal issues such as adoption/guardianship/financial support, as well as school enrollment, counseling, and keeping kids safe.  Extensive suggestions for helping children and teens deal with difficult questions, family-based school projects, visits with their parents including holidays and prison as well as supervised versus unsupervised contact.  Joan Callander Dingle, and her adopted grandson Chad Dingle (now 24), talk openly about their own experiences and helping youth understand that their parents are responsible for their own choices. Empowering youth by helping them develop good communication skills and a strong sense of self-worth in turn helps reduce stress for caregivers.  "Book inspires, motivates and energizes," said one grandparent.  "I wish I had read it years early," offered another.  

The Resource Appendix provides contacts for information, financial aid, and physical, mental and educational services. Joan serves on the Grandfamilies advisory board for Generations United and recently spoke at a White House briefing on Prevention Services for foster children and their families. Helping families turn 'at risk' children into self-sufficient, resilient adults is their passion.