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Addiction Recovery: A Family's Journey

Author: Diana Clark

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1492862339
ISBN 13: 978-1492862338

Addiction can be a launching pad. Healing brings addicts and alcoholics closer to living life with integrity and self-reflection and in service to others. This journey from addict or alcoholic to fully functional adult is called recovery. Simply defined, recovery is the practice of behavioral, psychological and spiritual changes, beginning with abstinence, that encourage (and reflect) a healthy life. Your addicted loved one’s progression from active addiction to recovery and his success in long-term recovery will almost always involve you. And, just as your loved one needs a path toward healing, you need a path for your journey, which will take you from denial, protecting, and codependent behavior, and the underlying fear, to surrender, forgiveness, self-care, purpose, and meaning, and, ultimately, to gratitude for the gifts of your journey. This kind of change does not happen overnight. This book maps out a path for your journey. Although the journey may feel long and will be painful at points, you may well find joy and peace at the end of it. And, even during the journey, you might find a spark for starting to live with joy and peace.