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From Relapsed to Redeemed: The H.O.P.E. Model to Overcoming Drug Addiction and Leading a Life of Abstinence

Author: Ram Dubey

Publisher: Candid Creation Publishing

ISBN 10: 9811194130
ISBN 13: 978-9811194139

Once someone gets addicted to drugs or alcohol, it may take years before he or she considers quitting. After getting on to the road of recovery many often relapse.This book helps you understand addiction, the lifelong process of recovery, and its challenges through the story of Zacy, a person who suffers from addiction. During his rehabilitation and isolation, he comes to terms with his losses, pain, and suffering, as well as that of his loved ones. However, he cannot understand why he relapses sooner or later once he is out of rehabilitation.Are people addicted to drugs and alcohol doomed forever? Absolutely not. With factual research, insightful ideas, and inspiring quotes, this book explains how they can turn their lives around with H.O.P.E. Read on to see how the method works through the real-life stories of people who have redeemed their lives from the grip of addiction. They now provide a source of inspiration and encouragement to others. You could do so too.