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Insanity Beyond Understanding

Author: Bajeerao Patil

Publisher: BRPBooks
ISBN 10: 0989569829
ISBN 13: 978-0989569828

Publisher: Eloquent Books
ISBN 10: 160693404X
ISBN 13: 978-1606934043

Insanity Beyond Understanding highlights the selfish behavior, distorted thinking, and "my way or the highway" attitude of people who are addicted to mood-altering substances. This book aims at creating a general awareness about addictive behavior, the devastating consequences of using mood-altering chemicals, and how they turn normal human beings into beasts. It shows their inability to follow simple rules for living in harmony, their illogical thinking, and how logic does not make any sense to them. Through their dialogues, readers will get insight into their resistance to change. The author wants readers to see how impulsive behavior can cause a series of problems and destroy human beings. He wants readers to experience the horrible world of addicts, what happens behind closed doors, and how innocent children get crushed and their hopes for living a normal life are shattered. The author wants readers to experience other people's pain, sufferings, and hopelessness, and at the same time, enjoy reading simple dialogues.