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Love Unbroken: From Addiction to Redemption

Author: Susan Thesenga

Publisher: Being & Awakening LLC

ISBN 10: 0615559808
ISBN 13: 978-0615559803

Love Unbroken is the true story of Pamela, who spends ten years in hell struggling with drug addiction. As told by Pam and her mother Susan, the story reveals heroin addicts barely surviving in the slums of Washington D.C. and meth addicts roaming wild in the city parks of San Diego. Pam attends five treatment centers and suffers numerous relapses while her parents consult countless experts who disagree with each other. In Brazil they receive shamanic exorcisms and experience ayahuasca, a psychoactive rainforest tea considered sacred by indigenous Amazonians.

Both Pam and her mother emerge profoundly changed from these encounters. Their shared path to recovery is highly unusual, going far beyond conventional addiction treatment.

This is a book of hard-won inspiration and wisdom that reveals a truth deeper than all the traumas of the human heart — love unbroken.

"A harrowingly honest narrative of trauma, suffering and addiction, Love Unbroken is also a triumphant story of soul redemption—redemption not as a final event but as an ongoing process aided by surrender, love, grace, spiritual humility and also by Amazonian plant medicine. This courageous tale helps us question our unexamined assumptions about drugs, drug addicts, addiction, and treatment." —Gabor Maté M.D., author of In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction

"I could not stop reading Susan Thesenga’s Love Unbroken. It is stirring, riveting, humbling, and heart opening. The details may be specific to her own life, but the revelations are for us all. May it benefit many!" —Gangaji, contemporary American spiritual teacher, author of Hidden Treasure: Finding the Truth in Your Life Story

"Love Unbroken is, on one level, a harrowing account, written with great sensitivity and honesty, of addiction, loss and despair. On another level, it both points to and expresses the unconditional and indestructible love that shines at the heart of all experience when everything else has been broken or lost. On every page one feels that Susan Thesenga is being stripped bare but, at the same time, being taken more and more deeply into this love. The reader cannot help but feel both the heartbreak and the love that shines underneath it." —Rupert Spira, non-dual teacher, and author of The Transparency of Things

"Love Unbroken not only tells it like it is—giving us a very real picture of addiction—it also offers help and hope to those caught in the disease and to their family members who suffer along with the addict. The story is compelling, and the spiritual message is uplifting. The unusual story of Pamela’s recovery should interest all those who are open-minded about how addicts can recover." —John Giordano, C.C.J.S., MAC, CAP, founder of G&G Holistic Addictions Treatment Program in N. Miami Beach, Florida

"Beautifully written! Love Unbroken is the riveting story of one family’s journey through the torments of addiction. It gives us a window into the life of a young woman who spent years on the streets and struggled with relentless mental illness. It also gives us a window into her spiritual awakening, and the bonds of loving that grow ever more deep and clear within her family. Filled with wisdom and hope, this book will touch all who seek true freedom." —Tara Brach, Ph.D., Teacher of Buddhist Mindfulness and author of Radical Acceptance

"Love Unbroken speaks to humankind’s opportunity to discover its true expression as love in action. It will serve to foster the medicines of non-judgment and compassion that all facets of society crave.—" Mukti Gray, Spiritual Teacher, Open Gate Sangha