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Pills, Powder & Cocktails: A Drug Addiction Story

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Author: Joe O Mahony

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1698902883
ISBN 13: 978-1698902883

From the outside looking in John led a normal life, going to his 9-to-5 job and having drinks with friends on the weekend. A closer look into it revealed his true self, a mentally ill addict who would do anything for his next fix from cocaine to painkillers and everything in between. This novel follows John as he traverses his life over a number of days from waking up in a ditch to his visit to a psychiatrist. This story is raw and told with complete honesty from the perspective of an addict, it shows you what life is like on the other side. The loneliness and depression an addict can feel are prominent along with an escalating need for more drugs."... (it) shows what life is like on the other side, truly describing the life of an addict" - Mary Hogan, Waterford editor