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Reclaim your life: You and the Alcoholic Additc


Publisher: Sea Hill Press, Inc

ISBN 10: 0970805047
ISBN 13: 978-0970805041

In the United States alone, more than 22 million people are addicted to alcohol and other drugs, for every individual with this disposition, there are four or more family members or friends directly involved with their loved one s substance abuse issues. Reclaim Your Life: You and the Alcoholic/Addict was written for the millions of people who struggle with the heartache, frustration, confusion, and resentment, and who urgently seek help as they navigate the murky waters of addiction. This reader-friendly guide teaches specific communication tools that empower you to implement confident boundaries. Reclaiming your respect, dignity, and peace of mind are achievable goals through the theories, concepts, and case studies this book offers. The is Bennett's first book, her second book Is there a Dry Drunk in your life? was released in May 2015 and as with Reclaim your Life,is available in Print and Kindle