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Starfish: A Mother's Recovery from Addiction

Author: Donna M. George

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1490448691
ISBN 13: 978-1490448695

When free spirit Donna George succumbs to heroin addiction, her dreams of a magical California life with her daughters deteriorate into a nightmare of neglect and abandonment. A couple of drug busts and a judge compel her to enter a hardcore rehab called Sunflower House, a program whose reputation precedes it. For 17 months she endures confrontation and humiliation, with no choice but to face herself. She must fight through her weaknesses and painful past in order to stay and experience the “turnaround” Staff insists she will undergo. Can she find her way through the abyss, and be graced with a second chance at life? Can she be a mother again, and a woman of self respect? Though Donna does shameful and hurtful things in the depths of addiction, you’ll find yourself rooting for her.Starfish is a riveting story that shows what it takes for some addicts to recover. Thirty day rehabs don’t work for everyone. Some need the harsh reality of a program like Sunflower House to get to the roots of the cunning disease of addiction.Buy this powerful memoir to start reading this inspiring tale today!