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Why Can't Johnny Just Quit?: A Common Sense Guide to Understanding Addiction

Author: Kyle Oh M.D.

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1497446082
ISBN 13: 978-1497446083

~ Amazon Best Seller ~

"A fascinating, realistic study of pain management and addiction that offers hope to patients and their families." ~Kirkus Reviews.

Currently, there is no book on addiction that is talking about how to prevent addiction. My book does! It may seem strange that no one else is talking about how to prevent addiction. It's because the current theory on addiction is that it is a maladjusted coping mechanism. Those who suffer from emotional pain may abuse drugs to mask their pain. I disagree. Whether you can get addicted to any drug depends on your genetic predisposition to that drug. Every drug has a different genetic basis. A person who becomes a lot more talkative and excited after the first few drinks is the person who has the alcohol gene. The same is true for opioid pain medications. Most are not susceptible to either! No one wants to get addicted. Addicts got addicted because they did not know they were getting addicted. They did not know they were getting addicted because they did not know they were getting high. Let me explain! High is never dopey, loopy, or intoxicating at first. High is anything that artificially makes you happy, sometimes extremely happy. A person who is high is always more awake and alert, not dopey or intoxicated. The high produces the same chemical reaction in your brain as sex. No one's feeling dopey or loopy while having sex. Because we have done such a poor job explaining what the true high is that someone who smokes pot and gets dopey thinks he is high (when he is not), and a person who feels great on pain pills do not think that he is (when he is). Once you understand these simple concepts, you can prevent yourself from getting addicted! This is the only way to win the war on drugs.