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Slot Machine Nation

Author: Joe Cunningham

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1795842660
ISBN 13: 978-1795842662

This book is a cautionary tale of the dangers of slot machine addiction. It is the story of my slow and steady decline into slot machine addiction and my seven year battle to overcome it. It started out innocently enough but soon escalated into an all consuming obsession, affecting every aspect of my life, including financial hardship, loss of spirituality and depression. over the past seven years I have studied slot machines extensively and observed their uncanny and unknown power to "Hook" people into losing some or all of their life savings. All for a cheap gambling high on a mindless game. Inside this book is a wealth of information on the workings of slot machines and why you should stay away from them. My hope is to inform and warn the public who enter into a casino for a few hours of harmless slot machine play. Beware my friends, slot machines are as dangerous as recreational drug use.