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STOP! Love Is No Poker Game

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Author: Korine Hazan

Publisher: Korine Hazan

ISBN 10: 1773029924
ISBN 13: 978-1773029924

A set of thirteen little stories telling us how we gamble our lives, our health, our finances and our evolution, with our love stories. Poker is a game of chance and strategy. Yet, a whole world hides behind this game where players reveal their character rather than their ability to wield the rules. Some will hope that their prayers will be answered, while others will be convinced that luck is on their side. There is the ones that calculate thoroughly and the ones that cheat, the defeatists and the dreamers, and so on. Little stories that might reveal who we
are and how we understand the rules of the game. Winners or losers, victims or tormentors? Is it really destiny that throws the bet? 

Korine Hazan, a woman, mother, artist, entrepreneur and activist, is animated by an unwavering faith for the greatness of the human being. She uses these different aspects of her personality which coexist and intertwine, her experience of several cultures in which she lived and the practices observed in others to put it all at the service of our time, expressing it in a single voice: hers. She tells stories with the beat of our time, wishing to create a simple reflection, useful for those who believe they have a say in shaping the future.