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Essentialism: Mastering The Art of Less

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Author: James Latham

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1984298704
ISBN 13: 978-1984298706

Man’s greatest endowment is the ability to choose. For so long, we have always struggled to try to be in control of our choices and destiny. Wars have been fought, kingdoms split in the struggle to remain free and able to dictate our preferences. Yet, despite these exertions, the average individual today remains trapped under the misguided delusion that he has to do everything thrown into his part. Society has most people believing that they need to be constantly busy, to be able to convince themselves that they are making considerable progress. Most people subconsciously try to help more people, take on more tasks and engage in more activities (necessary and unnecessary). This means they are constantly on the move, doing this or that. They are always about to or just finished this task or the other. In short, their life is dictated by the whims of other people and a desire to be there for everybody. How can we escape this suffocating conundrum? How can you free yourself from the psychological burden and overwhelmingly crushing sensation that our lives can threaten to become? This is the spirit of essentialism. To be free means to engage in only the most essential of tasks that hold the most significance. This book tries to practically change your mindset and plan for achieving your lifestyle goals. It helps you create more time by keeping your priorities to the lowest, minimal number possible. The book focuses on; • Elucidating some of the more confusing aspects of essentialism • Helping you decide to get rid of the extra tasks weighing you down • Helping you to create the right mindset to help you achieve more • Teaching you to achieve more results by actually doing less • Giving practical tips for reducing the triggers of inefficiency • Explaining the importance of learning to delegate, outsource and leverage on other people’s abilities and time • Providing practical advice to follow during the prioritizing process • Helping you incorporate essentialism into every facet of your lifestyle.