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Minimalist Living: How to Live Life Like a Dog! Happy and Fulfilled, Living Stress Free on the Bare Minimum. Learn to Enjoy Being on a Budget, Working Less While Living More

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Author: Jenna Smith

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1981645659
ISBN 13: 978-1981645657

A simple guide to minimalism. Easy steps to clear your life of annoying clutter and ditch overwhelm.

I was trying to think the other day of an easy way to explain to people what minimalism is, and as I was doing so, I looked over toward my dog, Fido, and he gave me an idea. In many ways, dogs already live minimalist lives. Give him a bone, and he’s happy for hours. Dogs are just fine living with little. They don’t need much to be happy, all they need are the essentials: food/water, love, play, and a good belly rub.
Humans, on the other hand, could learn a lot from the average dog. We definitely like materialistic things, and love filling our homes up with all sorts of stuff. Does that really bring us joy though? The answer is no. I’m not going to lie material things can bring joy but that happiness doesn’t last long. It actually just ends up being a temporary fix. It gives us a rush of dopamine for awhile but eventually, it passes. True lasting happiness does not come from the stuff we buy. If you look at the dog you’ll see they’ve got it all figured out.
It's hard getting away from stuff. Buying things is addicting and we don’t always have control over the advertisements laid out in front of us. But it’s very achievable to get away from material things if you take the right steps. With stuff comes more responsibly, more things to keep organized, more things to clean, more maintenance involved. This takes away a lot of our time and money, making us worse off for having it. Minimalist isn’t about getting rid of everything and moving to the forest with only a tent and water bottle. It is about getting rid of the things that take our time, money and freedom away.
Heres just a taste of what you will learn from this book
-That less equals more, more time freedom, more money and more all-around happiness
-How to be happy with the little things just like a baby puppy gets excited by a dirty, smelly sock!
-How to know what things in your house to get rid of and what to keep, so you don’t feel regret later for giving away to much or too little.
-Where and how to get rid of the stuff you don’t want in your house.
-Ways to declutter your mind for good mental health. Achieve the mindset of a carefree dog.
-Special Tips and Tricks for staying organized so you're less overwhelmed. Have a system in place so you don’t have to spend your life cleaning all the time
-how to get more time freedom, save money and enjoy your life more
-Plus a free ebook Bonus inside on - Money Stress: How it affects your overall health and well being.
This book will be easy to follow and help anyone take the right steps in living a minimalist life. Start living a better, happier life.
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