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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: An Information Guide

Author: NeilA. Rector

Publisher: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

ISBN 10: 1771143479
ISBN 13: 978-1771143479

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a severe and debilitating anxiety disorder that affects one person in 40. It affects not only how people feel or think, but also how they behave. OCD symptoms -- such as compulsive hoarding or handwashing -- often evoke uncomfortable emotions in family and friends.

This guide discusses:

  • what OCD is and what causes it
  • treatments, including both cognitive and behavioural therapy and medication
  • recovery and relapse prevention
  • family involvement

The guide is a thorough and helpful introduction for people with OCD, their family and friends.

This edition was fully revised and updated in 2016.