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Weekly Meal Planner: Weekly Menu Planner with Grocery List, Plan Your Meals Weekly (52 Weeks) Food Planner (Food Planners)

Author: Maggie L. Brook

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1790857341
ISBN 13: 978-1790857340

Meal Planner Notebook

Weekly Meal Planner/Menu Food Planners / 52 Week Meal Prep Book/ 52 Week Food Planner & Grocery list Notebook
This handy meal planner was designed to help you stay organized by planning your weekly meals and shopping list in advance. The 2 page-per-week design provides 1 year of meal planning with space for writing

- Planning your 52 weekly meals: Each weekly spread contains a lined space for every day of the week.
- A shopping list with each week so you can take it to the store and see at a glance what you need.
- Size: 6x9"