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Kingdom of Mind: A Tale to Understand and Master OCD

Author: S. K. Clark

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1541339398
ISBN 13: 978-1541339392

The author of Kingdom of Mind, having suffered as a child with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, reaches back to help other youth and adults find their way out of the sinkhole of the disorder. Dr. Ian Osborn, a renowned psychiatrist and author specializing in the treatment of OCD calls Kingdom of Mind "...the most imaginative presentation of OCD and its treatment that I have seen. It is very well written, a fairly quick read with nice illustrations, and it is full of excellent clinical information…Not only adolescents, but all OCDers will enjoy this book." The story features Liv, a middle school student, who finds everything loud: noises, smells, bright lights, and especially other people’s feelings. Liv becomes overwhelmed when she starts having bullying thoughts threatening horrible consequences if she doesn’t perform tasks such as washing, tapping or thought cancelling. Recognizing her distress, kind-hearted school counselor, Mr. Lane, helps Liv view the inner workings of her Kingdom of Mind by means of a magical hat. Seeing it displayed before her, Liv is amazed by the beautiful landscape and rich resources within her sensitive mind. She is also able to observe how the Thought Crows of OCD tell her fear stories to be fed the seeds of her attention. Together with the help of Mr. Lane and her Inner Council of advisors, Liv learns how to take back her power and the rightful reign of her Kingdom of Mind. This book is for sensitive children ages 12 to 95 yrs who suffer with the anxiety disorder of OCD.