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Evil Inside Us: Dangers of No Impulse Control

Author: Dr. Douglas H. Ruben Ph.D.

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1980243298
ISBN 13: 978-1980243298

Is President Trump’s fascism out of control? Why do powerful men masturbate in front of women? When do sexual cravings turn into sexual harassment? Are people just evil, or horribly impulsive? People are not evil. But they do evil behavior. Evil Inside Us: Dangers of No Impulse Control addresses the sheer threat to self and others when you give into everything you want. Indulgence is more than gluttony. Indulgence is instant gratification. You indulge in urges or impulses for personal gain. But the effects can be apocalyptic. It creates monstrous and selfish behaviors disruptive in jobs, friendships, partner relationships, daily routines, sexual habits, in government. Over-indulgers are addicts, aggressors, bullies, rule-violators, authoritarians, all of whom revel in stampeding on innocent victims. These victims become collateral casualties of callously insensitive indulgers who dream big but act small, speak loud but say little, and inside are pure narcissists. This book follows the principles of applied behavior analysis and behavioral systems to survey three main areas drastically affected by urge-indulgence. First area explored is why impulsive people are so unhappy and how this interferes with corrupting communication in marriages or partner relationships. Second area explored is how impulsiveness fosters anger and completely ruins friendships or parents’ relations with children. Third area explored is how outwardly good people have evil or selfish impulses. Find out why sex habits spin out of control, and lead to public masturbation and gross improprieties. What motivates sexually risky acts of powerful men in Capital Hill, Hollywood, Silicon Valley and the News Media to harass women? Exposed is the fakery and hypocrisy of impulsive people who act morally or politically righteous to hide their own debauchery. The book ends with a spotlight on the presidential travesty of Donald Trump, the worst example of impulsiveness. Eight predictors of misused power trace his corrupt ascent as the first American Dictator. From debasing the media as “fake news,” promoting unpopular ideologies, overuse of tweeting, alienating the nation from its allies, to violating laws to protect his autocracy, Donald Trump’s first year in office is proverbial proof of the fascist dangers of no impulse control.