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Pornography Addiction: Destroying the Habit & Breaking the Cycle

Author: Jay Anthony

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1508429790
ISBN 13: 978-1508429791

Ten years ago pornography became the chains around my wrists and the shackles around my feet. It worked it's way into every facet of my life and began destroying me from the inside out. My relationships, my motivation, my aspirations; all of these things were being crushed under the weight of my addiction. I had tried multiple times in the past to break free from this self-erected prison cell, but it seemed hopeless. One day, after another failed attempt, I decided enough was enough. Last month I made the promise to myself that I wasn't going to remain a slave to pornography any longer. I held on tightly to that promise like it was my mother's hand, refused to let go, and worked harder than I ever had before to rid myself of this nasty habit. It started slowly, but eventually a week passed. Then another. Before I knew it I had abstained from pornography for an entire month; the longest I had gone in years. And I won. I beat my addiction. This book began as a journal and eventually evolved into what is it today: a self-help guide packed full of advice, resources, and even weekly summaries pertaining to my own experiences. I initially wrote this because it allowed me to gain a unique perspective on my own addiction, but I'm realizing that it has the potential to help others as well. I'm not a brilliant writer by any means, nor do I have the credentials to give life-changing advice, but if this book can help even a single individual break their addiction toward pornography, then I'd consider it a priceless masterpiece. To help someone breath the same air of freedom that I've been filling my lungs with since quitting would be one of the greatest gifts I could ever receive. This is my goal. This is my purpose. Maybe you are one of the millions who have fallen into this never-ending cycle. Maybe you are beginning to feel the detrimental affects of pornographic dependence. It's an intimidating reality to face, but the reward for facing it is much more beautiful than you can possibly imagine. If I was allowed to tell you only two words from this point forward, they would be "break free." Don't remain under the thumb of your computer screen. Don't let pictures of strangers on the internet dictate the direction of your life. Make the decision. Don't wait another day because days make way for years. Years simply make way for decades. Be the change in your own life. Break the chains. Be free.