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Rise from the Ashes: The Spiritual Path to a Smoke-Free Life

Author: Gary H Peck

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1482060841
ISBN 13: 978-1482060843

In the book RISE FROM THE ASHES, the reader is guided on a transformational journey from tobacco dependence to freedom. Whereas conventional smoking cessation programs speak of a ‘three-link chain of addiction’ consisting of psychological, physical and social components, this new unconventional book contends that there is a fourth missing link - 'the spiritual' - which must be addressed for true and lasting freedom to be found. Nicotine addiction (or any addiction for that matter) may be an indication that something is spiritually out-of-sync in a person’s life. In this book, the spirituality of both addiction and freedom is examined in depth. In the research literature there is something referred to as the 'Stages of Change Model.' With regards to an addictive behavior or habit, people are usually in one of six stages: Pre-contemplation (not ready to quit); Contemplation (thinking about quitting); Preparation (ready to quit); Action (quitting); Maintenance (staying quit); Termination (living quit). The Christian mystical traditions also speak of stages: Awakening, Conversion, Purgation, Illumination, and Union. As a person moves through these stages he or she is growing stronger spiritually, becoming more centered upon the Divine. While it may be true that usually the spiritual stages are representative of a person’s life journey as a whole, they may also represent the changes necessary for a person to move from one unique area of brokenness to a place of healing, freedom, and life. These psychological and spiritual models of change complement one another, and are interwoven throughout this book. Author, Gary H. Peck credits his own ability to quit smoking and to remain tobacco-free to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and to an ongoing pursuit of the spiritual life. By learning to implement time-honored spiritual practices and to apply age-old wisdom, the reader of this book will also be able to enter into the spacious freedom of a spirit-centered, smoke-free life.