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Paths to Inner Peace: A 90 Day Journal

Author: Elizabeth R Kipp

Publisher: Elizabeth Kipp Media LLC

ISBN 10: 0998351105
ISBN 13: 978-0998351100

Welcome to “90 Paths to Inner Peace.”  This is a Journal Elizabeth Kipp has created for you to unleash your healing power which includes a complete program!  

In many wisdom traditions, it is said that it takes 40 days to break a habit, 90 days to establish a new habit, 120 days to integrate the new habit into your being, and 1000 days to master the new habit.

With this journal, “90 Paths to Inner Peace,” you have the opportunity to incorporate some new ideas into your life around living beyond chronic pain.

It can even be said that, when you have completed this 90-day journal, you might even find that you have shifted into a thriving life with a higher degree of vibrancy and zeal.

Elizabeth has recorded two powerful audios to support you on your journey to journaling.  Her beautiful journal is for you to use as a way of discovery helping you find value in the presence of each moment of your day and your life.  This journal offers you the ability to track the transformation that will naturally occur as you work your way through these ninety days.