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The Secret Addiction: Overcoming Your Marijuana Dependency

Author: Dr. Tony DeRamus

Publisher: SMA International

ISBN 10: 0615483194
ISBN 13: 978-0615483191

After almost a decade of living a life behind a veil of smoke and many failed attempts at quitting, Tony DeRamus began his journey of discovering the answers to abstaining from what most people consider to be a harmless drug, a non-addictive drug. For many of those who are trapped in this cloud of smoke, know this is far from the truth. Sadly, many of those individuals simply do not know how to find their way out. Although The Secret Addiction began as a personal quest, Dr. DeRamus quickly realized that there was very limited information specifically for marijuana addicts. Yes, the topic of addiction is extremely popular, but marijuana addicts consider themselves different and many times can't relate to a program focused mainly on alcohol or cocaine. The Secret Addiction will help guide those who are looking for the answers to escaping their dependency on marijuana whether it has been two years or twenty years. Compiled with the latest research, questionnaires, motivational and behavioral strategies, The Secret Addiction has been written exclusively for the marijuana user.