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An Introduction to 11th Step Meditation: Recovery and Insight

Author: Laurence Sanger

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1492706728
ISBN 13: 978-1492706724

Meditation is a priceless but woefully underused recovery tool, easily accessible to anyone in any 12-Step Program. An Introduction to 11th Step Meditation: Recovery and Insight brings meditation to life, with detailed instructions on building a simple but powerful meditation practice consistent with any 12-Step program. Laurence explains how meditation relates to and enhances the recovery process. With honesty and humor, Laurence shares his own experience and what he has learned meditating within the context of a 12-Step Program. This book will answer the following questions among many others: • what is meditation? • how do I meditate? • how does meditation work in a 12-Step Program? • how can I develop a consistent meditation practice? An Introduction to 11th Step Meditation: Recovery and Insight is a valuable resource for anyone wanting to learn about and incorporate the benefits of meditation into recovery and daily life.