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Bored To Death: 5 Ways To Gear-Up and Be About That Life

Author: Henry Flowers IV

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1503271021
ISBN 13: 978-1503271029

Inspired by the philosophy and exemplary life of Les Brown, this book by Henry Flowers IV offers the reader an opportunity to utilize a proven formula that can lead to success and to living a life that you love. With a translucent style and a wealth of detail and self-disclosure, Henry brings to life a riveting narrative of a destructive path that often leads to disaster. In his special uplifting and heartfelt manner he has given a prophetic description of what can happen to people, especially the young and disadvantaged, who do not have clear direction for their lives. Most importantly, though, Henry provides undeniable proof that ANY life can be turned around to be successful. Henry and I have been friends since he joined Toastmasters in 2007 and I've enjoyed being a mentor to him. However, he has been an amazing inspiration to me and his story can be a guiding light to all who aspire to live a full and productive life like Henry does. In this book, Henry takes a direct approach to making a complicated subject sound simple, and he leaves his readers with powerful life transforming principles that they can apply immediately. The book is an easy read, however, the message is dead serious. It is a great tribute to Henry that he has persevered in his quest for a successful life, “THAT LIFE" which he lives today which would include twenty years of committed marriage to a beautiful woman, Rebecca, and a house full of children. It was through the application of the H.E.N.R.Y. formula that he was able to reach his current level of success in life, and he is sharing his knowledge with you in this book. Immerse yourself in this book and begin the journey toward a life that will make others as proud of you as I am of my friend, Henry Flowers IV. Ned E. Wallace, Jr. Past International Director Toastmasters International