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Denial: A Memoir: Life Decisions Shaped by the Bottle (The Life & Times of a Curious Drunk)

Author: Lela Fox

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1790422264
ISBN 13: 978-1790422265

Book 2 of 7 in the series:
In this hilarious sequel, you’ll see 18-year-old Lela Fox struggle to keep alcoholism at bay. She insists that marriage, motherhood, and maturity will loosen addiction’s grip, but the squeeze tightens and Lela’s reaction is far from expected.
DENIAL follows Lela from her first drunken year in college, beginning with an assault and harrowing car accident, through a fraudulent job, and along the peaks and valleys of a rocky marriage.
Her Bi-Polar mood swings cause chaos and send frustrated husband-number-one on his own kind of bender. The pain of it all bankrupts Lela emotionally and spiritually, but a bottle of Chardonnay is always nearby.
She becomes a fragile 25-year-old single mother who has evolved from a dedicated binge drinker to a frightened full-time drunk. With honest and poignant prose, Lela Fox spins a tale that may seem all-too-familiar to alcoholics.
DENIAL, book two in the Life & Times of a Curious Drunk series, continues the string of curious tales of Lela’s years in and out of the bottle. With lively dialogue and hair-raising action, you’ll follow the life of this courageous woman: a drunk with uncanny luck and unending stamina.
Is kicking the booze her only goal? Is that enough?

“Lela Fox is so honest it almost hurts. This book is true to the toll alcoholism takes on us. Well written and amusing, and by far the best addiction memoir I’ve read. Lela is a survivor and I can't wait to read the next book in the series.”
−K.D., Sacramento